
How to build an NW.js App using Create React App

To be able to create a full-fledged React application, you should install extra many packages like babel, eslint, webpack, etc. Also, you should think about the configuration and take extra care about settings. Luckily, facebook developers create a tool which makes bootstrapping a react application a breeze: Create React App (create-react-app). Create React App is …

How to build an NW.js App using Create React App Devamı »

How To Use React Developer Tools In NW.js Without Pain

NW.js is used to develop cross-platform desktop applications. The best side of NW.js is you can use html, css, and javascript for development. All web frontend and nodejs libraries are readily available to use as you like. From these libraries, React, is the indispensable frontend framework, which has a significant adoption from web developers. Therefore …

How To Use React Developer Tools In NW.js Without Pain Devamı »